Elderly Neglect

One of our main campaigns is to protect the elderly. Today's Telegraph newspapers carries a feature on elderly neglect in Care Homes. The continual denial by the population in the United Kingdom leads us all to believe that it has now become government policy to ignore problems faced by the elderly. Each year, we have seen report after report of elderly neglect. Over the last twenty years these reports have not improved. Today, the Telegraph states

""The report was compiled by charities Age UK and The Health Foundation following research showing that every day, seven out of ten care home residents are victims of drug errors, with elderly people being given the wrong medication, missing doses, and not being monitored for side effects"

In 2007, a similar report was made by the Times newspapers.

Again in 2003, the Guardian wrote about abuse and the absence of basic care

There is a Health Select Committee report on abuse

It appears that over the years, stories have come and gone, elderly abuse in care homes and other institutions have continued. The government again has pseudo-intellectualised the  issue, issued reports and shut the book. What they have not done is solved the problem by policing these institutions adequately. It shows that in the end, the government believes that having a policy that actively encourages neglect and therefore pre-mature death is economical to the public purse. This may not be an obvious announcement but nevertheless, it is a covert aim. At least, that is why their inactions speak louder than their press releases.

So if your reading this and if your elderly relative is the next one to die of neglect - ask yourself why you read this article and did nothing to fight for elderly rights in this country. Ask yourselves why our elderly even bothered to fight in the war so that we could be free. Were we even worth fighting for if we are unable to protect them in their old age? 

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