Ken Lownds - The Media Diva

Silver Ken courtesy of the BBC. 
The Media Diva

Ken has been known to us for sometime. In the beginning we felt that we should all work together. As time went on we found out that Ken was not quite all he was advertised to be. Ken his famous for his role in Cure the NHS. The problem with Ken is that he likes to jump on the bandwagon of publicity. With the power of publicity this man has, we would think that he would do something for the welfare of patient kind. Sometime ago, we discussed Duty of Candour with him. This duty is credited to Will Powell of NHS Justice. No one else can be credited for sacrificing so much for the principle of the truth. Ken refused to support a legal duty of Candour initially and we have the emails to prove it. He stamped his feet, waved his hands, prattled on about whatever he prattles on about but refused to support a legal duty of candour. 

We therefore found it fascinating that he did a U turn as soon as the government felt it was a good idea. Here is Ken supporting a Duty of Candour in the BMJ. The reporter failed to interview Will Powell but instead quoted Ken Lownds. Ken associates with Private Eye's Andrew Bousfield, a barrister sanctioned by the Bar Standards Board and their friend Phil Hammond [Patients Association]. The three stooges are indeed leading the way in patient safety. 

Anyhow, while Ken and his team were playing volleyball and being a media diva, NHS Reform were doing some hard work. The Whistleblowing Inquiry and  NHS Complaints Inquiry by the Health Select Committee were infact ideas we had initially submitted to the Andrew Lansley's PA. These were essentially taken up by the government. We will be back for more takes from the campaign trail. 

Miguel Cubells, the man from up north leads the way into the future with NHS Reform.............. His key to the system change is to stay truthful to your principles, eat as many pies as you need and do the best you can to protect vulnerable members of the public. 

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